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Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Week 3 Reflection

Because I like to get the "work" out of the way first, before I can "play," I read the articles listed and responded on our Concordia site to each thread. It was interesting to read each person's responses to each component within the thread. It is difficult to follow once it becomes 4 or 5 pages long, but still very insightful.
I checked out the sites listed and also added more items to my iGoogle account. I finally added a few songs to this blog spot as well. I also spent a lot of time exploring everyones' blogs.
I spent some time viewing pictures of relatives on face book and seeing what they were up to.
I explored Voice Threads again because I have read so much about this website on Classroom 2.0. I haven't created anything yet, but I spent a lot of time listening to the how to videos, so when I'm ready, I know what I am doing.
I would have to say that I have spent the majority of my time searching Classroom 2.0 for topics related to kindergarten. I have discovered many kindergarten websites that will be useful in planning lessons. I also came across a few picture rubrics for writing in kindergarten that I have saved to use this quarter as we get into more writing projects. I watched a kindergarten math lesson demonstrating how a smart board was used in a kindergarten classroom. It was fun to see other kindergarten classrooms with the same amount of energy as mine!
I could spend an endless amount of time on You Tube watching various lessons being taught by other teachers. It's like observing in many classrooms all over the place without leaving your classroom. It is fun to see the numerous teaching strategies in action.
I tried to watch the archived pod casts on Classroom 2.0, but I, too, had difficulty getting it to download and the audio wasn't working.
I also spent some time playing around with my classroom website and checking out other teacher websites to get more ideas. As I have said before, I want to make the website more interactive...I just need to have a plan!
I have found that searching other teacher websites has given me many interesting ideas, and I have saved a lot of reproducibles from these sites. These are things that will benefit my kids the most.

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