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Friday, April 24, 2009

Summative Reflection

I thought I would sum up my thoughts on this whole blogging experience. If you are someone who likes to write, I think this is a terrific outlet for you. I, on the other hand, would much rather spend my time having face-to-face interactions with family and friends; therefore, I probably won't spend much time on this site in the future.
I have learned a lot about social networking, RSS feeds, Wikis, podcasting, and twittering. I have also had an opportunity to reflect on the many issues that surround these topics. I also discovered that I prefer to attend class instead of taking it online.
Classroom application for me is limited. Most of what I have learned will assist with parent/community communication. As far as my kindergarten students, the projects we could create would be a tremendous amount of work for me, and I don't really see a huge benefit for them other than it would be "cool" to see it on the computer. Parents would probably appreciate seeing the projects too. I have really enjoyed playing around with Voice Thread. Voice Thread is a neat interactive tool, but again, more of a tool for me, not my kindergartners. It has been amazing to see all of the projects that are out there, and what other educators have created around the world.
I am glad I have had the opportunity to explore all of the aspects of online learning. I probably wouldn't have done this on my own!

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