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Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Week 4 Reflection

Again, I started off with the work of reading the articles, replying to strands, and making a few replies to other peoples' comments. Then, I updated my website with a new newsletter and homework piece for the week. I seem to have trouble downloading an Excel document into my school website, but I think I have it figured out now. I played around with Voice Threads again, because for some reason, I am intrigued with why so many educators on the Classroom 2.0 website find it so valuable. I would like to use this tool to create a book using the kindergartners voices as they say the letter name and sound as well as the name of the object on their ABC page. I used my digital camera's video recording and recorded my dogs. Then I loaded it into the Voice Thread program, and it worked. I then embedded it into my blog site. It took me a few tries because I didn't realize that I needed to set it to allow others to view it, but it worked, and you can hear my voice pretty clearly. Because I don't want to have my kindergartners photos on the web, I am planning on recording their book page along with a voice recording...we'll see how that goes!

Then, I saw that Lisa had some fun with the Voki site, and I just had to try it. It was a lot of fun! I played around with the creation of the character and set up a voice recording, and then I embedded it into my blog site as you can see!
I also read Disrupting Class by Christensen. I actually enjoyed reading it and found some very interesting insights.

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