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Friday, April 24, 2009

Summative Reflection

I thought I would sum up my thoughts on this whole blogging experience. If you are someone who likes to write, I think this is a terrific outlet for you. I, on the other hand, would much rather spend my time having face-to-face interactions with family and friends; therefore, I probably won't spend much time on this site in the future.
I have learned a lot about social networking, RSS feeds, Wikis, podcasting, and twittering. I have also had an opportunity to reflect on the many issues that surround these topics. I also discovered that I prefer to attend class instead of taking it online.
Classroom application for me is limited. Most of what I have learned will assist with parent/community communication. As far as my kindergarten students, the projects we could create would be a tremendous amount of work for me, and I don't really see a huge benefit for them other than it would be "cool" to see it on the computer. Parents would probably appreciate seeing the projects too. I have really enjoyed playing around with Voice Thread. Voice Thread is a neat interactive tool, but again, more of a tool for me, not my kindergartners. It has been amazing to see all of the projects that are out there, and what other educators have created around the world.
I am glad I have had the opportunity to explore all of the aspects of online learning. I probably wouldn't have done this on my own!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

ABC Notebook

I did a Voice Thread with my kindergarten classroom as we do our ABC notebook with Visual Phonics.

ABC Notebook

Friday, April 17, 2009

Voice Thread

Well, I think I finally have my topic for my presentation. I'm going to demonstrate Voice Threads. I actually found a little research on the topic. Anyway, I posted a video/slidshow regarding Voice Threads. At least I have a start...

Voice Thread For Education

Check out this SlideShare Presentation:

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Disrupting Class

I finished reading Disrupting Class. I actually found it interesting to read. Of course I was interested in Chapter 6: The Impact of the Earliest Years on Students' Success. As most of you know, I am a strong proponent for funding quality preschool programs. It was interesting to read Christensen's take on this topic. He suggests teaching children how to be parents before they become parents. I definitely can't argue with that. I've always stated that people should have to be licensed before they can become parents.
The chapter ended abruptly though. I wish he would have delved deeper into the dynamics of how this program would be implemented. I was left to wonder how technology was going to assist in the development of this course.
Christensen also discussed the importance of "language dancing" (face to face interactions between parent and child) and how it is an integral component to reading success. This is a prime example of why we need to get parents off of the computers, so they can spend some quality time interacting with their children. My greatest fear in all of this social networking (facebook, myspace...) is that we are going to spend so much time writing about our lives and less time living it with the people that mean the most to us, our families!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Week 4 Reflection

Again, I started off with the work of reading the articles, replying to strands, and making a few replies to other peoples' comments. Then, I updated my website with a new newsletter and homework piece for the week. I seem to have trouble downloading an Excel document into my school website, but I think I have it figured out now. I played around with Voice Threads again, because for some reason, I am intrigued with why so many educators on the Classroom 2.0 website find it so valuable. I would like to use this tool to create a book using the kindergartners voices as they say the letter name and sound as well as the name of the object on their ABC page. I used my digital camera's video recording and recorded my dogs. Then I loaded it into the Voice Thread program, and it worked. I then embedded it into my blog site. It took me a few tries because I didn't realize that I needed to set it to allow others to view it, but it worked, and you can hear my voice pretty clearly. Because I don't want to have my kindergartners photos on the web, I am planning on recording their book page along with a voice recording...we'll see how that goes!

Then, I saw that Lisa had some fun with the Voki site, and I just had to try it. It was a lot of fun! I played around with the creation of the character and set up a voice recording, and then I embedded it into my blog site as you can see!
I also read Disrupting Class by Christensen. I actually enjoyed reading it and found some very interesting insights.